What is a Cub??
Single Men who date Cougars and Pumas are known as :
- Cubs if their Cougar is in her 30's or 40's;
- Cubbies when their Puma is in her 20's.
There are many reasons why younger men like to date Cougars.
Here are a selection of reasons I have heard used by men explaining why they prefer to date Cougars:
- Cougars (Sugar Mummies) are often financially stable and treat the younger guys to meals and nights/weekends out.
- Cougars are not into playing the head games that so many younger women indulge in.
- Cougars are usually at their sexual peak.
- Cougars are usually looking for fun rather than a long term relationship.
- Cougars are worldly wise and make more interesting conversationalists than young inexperienced women.
- Cougars have more to teach a younger man than a woman his own age.
- Cougars are not just looking for guys who will be good fathers and providers.
- Cougars are more grounded and realistic.
- My Cougar is a "Hot Wife". I love knowing that she is having sex with her husband but thinking about the sex she has had with me.
- My Cougar taught me so much about life and sex. I would never have got this from a younger partner.
- Cougars have usually worked out who they are, making them more self assured and less clingy.
- It's easier to have a relationship with a Cougar, because she knows how to express what she wants. It just makes everything in the relationship much easier and less stressful.
I am sure there many more reasons than the ones I have quoted. If you want to tell people about your reasons and experiences as a cub please use the details on the contact page to write to me.